The Terminology of Librarianship: An Approach to University Information Units
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University Libraries
Academic Libraries

How to Cite

Múnera Torres, M. T., Giraldo Ortiz, J. J., Betancur Marín, D. A., Nieto Arango, N., & Montoya Agudelo, Y. A. (2024). The Terminology of Librarianship: An Approach to University Information Units. Investigación Bibliotecológica. Archivonomía, bibliotecología E información, 38(99), 145–163.
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The article offers an approach to the terminology of University Information Units (UIU) in the light of the research project “Information Science Terminology Data Bank (BDT-CI). Second Stage: Library Science Terminology Database (BDT-B)”. We recur to the classic methodology of terminology work, usual in this type of research, with emphasis on conducting focus groups of professionals working in academic libraries. The research describes the use of the terms “University Library”/“Academic Library” and “Information Science”/“Information Science” found in the textual corpus, which is made up mainly of articles published in recognized journals in the Librarianship and Information Science fields in Ibero-America. Lastly, some final considerations are exposed.
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