Investigación Bibliotecológica. Archivonomía, bibliotecología e información <p align="justify"><strong><em>Investigación Bibliotecológica: archivonomía, bibliotecología e información</em></strong> <em>(Research in Library Science, Archivology, Librarianship and Information)</em> is an open access, bilingual Mexican scientific journal published by the Institute of Library Science and Information Research of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Published quarterly in both print and online versions,</p> <p align="right"><em><a href="">Read more</a></em></p> Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliotecológicas y de la Información es-ES Investigación Bibliotecológica. Archivonomía, bibliotecología e información 0187-358X <p align="justify">Authors:</p><ul><li>They must sent the publication <a href="/ib/letters/authorizationletter.docx">authorization letter</a> to Investigación Bibliotecológica: archivonomía, bibliotecología e información. <strong></strong></li><li>They can share the submission with the scientific community in the following ways:</li><ul><li>As teaching support material</li><li>As the basis for lectures in academic conferences</li><li>Self-archiving in academic repositories.</li><li>Dissemination in academic networks.</li><li>Posting to author’s blogs and personal websites</li></ul></ul><p align="justify">These allowances shall remain in effect as long as the conditions of use of the contents of the journal are duly observed pursuant to the <a title="Creative Commons" href="" target="_blank">Creative Commons:Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0</a> license that it holds. DOI links for download the full text of published papers are provided for the last three uses.</p><h3>Self-archiving policy</h3><p align="justify">For self-archiving, authors must comply with the following</p><blockquote><p align="justify">a) Acknowledge the copyright held by the journal <em>Investigación Bibliotecológica: archivonomía, bibliotecología e información.</em></p><p align="justify">b) Establish a link to the original version of the paper on the journal page, using, for example, the DOI.</p><p align="justify">c) Disseminate the final version published in the journal.</p></blockquote><h3>Licensing of contents</h3><p align="justify">The journal <em>Investigación Bibliotecológica: archivonomía, bibliotecología e información</em> allows access and use of its contents pursuant to the <a href="" target="_blank">Creative Commons license: Attribution- Non-commercial-NoDerivatives 4.0.</a></p><center><a href="" target="_blank"><img style="border-width: 0;" src="" alt="Licencia de Creative Commons" align="middle" /></a></center><p align="justify"><br /> <span>Investigación Bibliotecológica: archivonomía, bibliotecología e información</span> by <a href="" rel="cc:attributionURL">Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México</a> is licensed under a <a href="" rel="license" target="_blank">Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional License</a>.<br /> Creado a partir de la obra en <a href="/ib" rel="dct:source"></a>.</p><p align="justify"> </p><p align="justify">This means that contents can only be read and shared as long as the authorship of the work is acknowledged and cited. The work shall not be exploited for commercial ends nor shall it been modified.</p><h3>Limitation of liability</h3><p align="justify">The journal is not liable for academic fraud or plagiarism committed by authors, nor for the intellectual criteria they employ. Similarly, the journal shall not be liable for the services offered through third party hyperlinks contained in papers submitted by authors.</p><p align="justify">In support of this position, the journal provides the Author’s Duties notice at the following link: Responsibilities of authors.</p><p align="justify">The director or editor of the journal shall notify authors in the event it migrates the contents of the journal’s official website to a distinct IP or domain.</p><p align="justify"> </p> Liturgical and Paraliturgical Books within the Royal Mining Seminary of New Spain (1792-1825) <p style="font-weight: 400;">The Catholic Church was the most influential institution of the Spanish Empire due to religion permeating all institutions and modelling the character and life of all inhabitants to form good subjects for the king through education and worship. The objective is to explain the presence and use of liturgical and paraliturgical books within the Royal Mining Seminary of New Spain as part of future mining experts’ civic and moral education utilizing documents kept at the Palace of Mining. The methodology is merely historical-bibliographical and resorts to primary sources and liturgy theory for proper interpretation of the data. As a result, the study demonstrates that, despite being an Enlightened scientific institution, religion also pervaded the Royal Mining Seminary through the mentioned bibliographic repertoire, which were books found in every New Spain institution and that are imperative to know because they are kept in our libraries with historical collections.</p> Isaac Becerra Ramírez Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-09 2024-05-09 38 100 13 28 10.22201/iibi.24488321xe.2024.100.58885